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Skills development

Pierre Genest Mentor et formateur

A study conducted in 2012 in collaboration with Étienne St-Jean showed that ongoing mentor training helps improve soft skills and develop an approach more closely aligned with the needs of mentees. Similarly, the study found that continued skills development activities for mentors gave them the tools to constantly sharpen their approach, re-examine their practices and stay on track with Réseau Mentorat’s core philosophy.

In an effort to provide effective guidance and leadership , Réseau Mentorat has developed a unique lineup of skills development and recognition activities for mentors.


General workshops

  • Introduction to Mentoring – Is Mentoring for Me?
  • How to accompany the human entrepreneur?


Specialized workshops

  • Mentorship for Social Economy Entrepreneurs 
  • Mentoring the Human Behind the Person Taking Over a Business
  • Group Mentoring (required to be accredited mentor for group mentoring)

Designed to leverage mentors’ experience to the fullest, these workshops:

  • Feature simulation, role-playing and teamwork activities
  • Espouse a dynamic learning strategy that links the desired skills with concrete plans of action
  • Use tangible examples from trainers and mentors.